How to Check if a Trademark Is Already Registered
Checking for trademarks is important to ensure that your chosen name is not already legally protected by someone else. Here’s how you can do it:
1. Use Online Trademark Databases
- United States (USPTO): In the U.S., the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has a free online search tool called TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System). You can search for existing trademarks here:
- Global Databases:
- WIPO Global Brand Database: For international searches, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) offers a global brand database:
- EU (EUIPO): For Europe, you can use the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) database:
2. Check State Trademark Registrations
In the U.S., in addition to federal trademarks, you should also check state-level trademarks. Each state has its database or registry, which can usually be accessed through its Secretary of State website.
3. Search Business Names
Check business name registries to see if your chosen name is being used by a company. This can be done through state-level business name databases or services like the Business Name Search.
4. Google Search
Perform a simple Google search to see if there are any unregistered but widely used names. If a name is heavily associated with a particular brand, even without a trademark, it could still present legal challenges.
5. Hire a Trademark Attorney
For a thorough search, consider hiring a trademark attorney. They can perform detailed searches and provide legal advice on potential conflicts or the likelihood of registration.
6. Use Trademark Search Services
There are paid services like LegalZoom, Trademarkia, or Corsearch that can conduct a comprehensive trademark search for you, often covering multiple jurisdictions.
7. Check Social Media and Domain Names
Verify that your chosen name is available on social media platforms and as a domain name. Tools like Namecheckr can help you check availability across multiple platforms at once.
8. Review the Results
After performing these searches, review the results carefully. If your name or something very similar is already trademarked, you may need to choose a different name to avoid legal complications.